In the midst of this disruptive digital era, business agility, resilience and productivity are the most important factors that determine the success of a company/organization. Digital enterprise is a company that has successfully adopted gldigital technology as its business and operational strategy so as to increase its competitiveness.
Therefore, companies must make changes and innovate in their business processes in order to win the competition and become a successful digital enterprise. To increase business continuity and resilience, companies need to implement a digital innovation strategy. However, not many companies have been able to successfully conquer this digital era because many of them have failed to adopt the right digital innovation strategy
Companies that fail to focus on technology, without balancing it with the right digital mindset, culture, and changes in business model, will slowly wither from the competition. Therefore, Multimatics and Karya Talents are holding an event entitled "Indonesia International Digital Innovation Summit" - a virtual-based international conference with the theme of Digital Innovation Strategy.
This event was held virtually through Zoom Meeting platform on Thursday, December 16, 2021, from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. This event was attended by hundreds of participants who enthusiastically listened to the insights from the speakers.
I2DIS was held virtually via the Zoom platform on Thursday, 16 March 2023 from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB which will be filled with talkshow and keynote sessions filled with speakers from various institutions, ranging from international certification bodies, ministries, BUMN, start-ups , digital banking, and many more!
The I2DIS event was divided into two sessions, namely in the first session which discussed strategies for accelerating technology in digital enterprises with several speakers namely Triyono (Head of the Department of Supervision of Other Financial Services Institutions of OJK) with the topic The Role of OJK in Accelerating Digital Banking in Indonesia, dr. Donny Hendrawan MPH (Deputy Director of Information and Data Management of BPJS Kesehatan), Jeff Felice (President of CertNexus) with the topic Artificial Intelligence Acceleration as Competitive Advantages in Dynamic Business Environment, Sean Lim (Senior Vice President of EC-Council) with the topic Defending Against The Advanced Cyber Threats Landscape in Digital Enterprise, MK Choong (Crafting Successful Digital Transformation With ITIL Leader: Digital and IT Strategy).
Then continued in the second session which discussed strategies for forming adaptive and agile future-ready talent with several speakers, namely Heriyanto Agung Putra (Chief of Human Resource - Bank Danamon) with the topic Redefining Leadership in the Digital Era, Anung Anindita (Senior Vice President Human Capital of Pegadaian) with the topic Designing Innovative Culture in Disruptive Times, Dudi Arisandi (Chief People Officer of with the topic Human & Technology Collaboration: Are You a Future-Ready Organization?, Lisa Mufrisno (SVP Human Resource of Neo Commerce Bank) with the topic Reimagining Employer Brand for the Digital Age, and Pandu Sunu (Head of Recruitment & Employer Branding of SeaBank) with the topic Recruiting the Right Future Ready Talents for Digital Enterprise.
With more than 1,000 participants from various industries, from start-up companies, the private sector, ministries, to state-owned enterprises, I2DIS focuses on the importance of collaboration between human resources, technology, and innovation. If a company only focuses on technological developments, or on its human resources, then the company will not be able to achieve maximum performance, especially as a digital enterprise. Therefore, I2DIS provides topics and materials covering technological developments and accelerating competency in human resources so as to be able to produce renewable innovations that can increase company competitiveness and become a superior digital enterprise.
I2DIS is brought to you by Multimatics and Karya Talents. Multimatics is a company with more than 20 years of experience in the field of IT Training and Consultancy, especially in the areas of IT management, IT governance, cybersecurity, data science, and other IT competencies. Karya Talents is one of the leading companies in the field of executive search and management consulting, where Karya Talents services focus on improving the quality of human resources in the organization, recruiting experts and professionals in the management ranks, and measuring the competence and capabilities of human resources in the organization.